We are a community.

Nearly 600 people convened over climate and environmental literacy, justice, and action on one day with ECCLPs. Thank you for being part of our community and for advancing climate change education with us!

We look forward to connecting with you at the next event on May 17th online from 9am-3pm PST.

Thank you to those who were able to join us at this event aimed as a call to action to recenter on education as the catalyst for climate action! We brought together over 50 leaders in the climate and environmental space who also believe in the incredible power of PK-12 educators to support a day of engagement and learning. This event will launch new UC-CSU initiatives that continue to focus on the advancement of PK-12 climate and environmental justice literacy through research, teaching and learning, and community partnerships. To view all the session recordings from our incredible partners, please see the link at the bottom of the page and subscribe the ECCLPs newsletter to continue engaging.

Opening Keynotes

Morning Sessions

Late Morning Sessions

Morning Panel Session

Afternoon Keynotes

Afternoon Sessions

Late Afternoon Sessions

Affinity Spaces

Poster Sessions

Virtual Session Recordings will be found on the ECCLPs Professional Learning Platform in partnership with The eKadence Foundation

Visual Notes

Visual Notes

Thank you to our event sponsors!