Dear ECCLPs Supporter ,

Happy New Year! As we welcome the possibilities of the upcoming year, we are thrilled about the opportunities to advance climate and environmental literacy with all our partners within and beyond California. We would like to pause for a moment to thank you as we continue connecting across the state through our committee efforts, grant collaborations, partnership projects, and joint initiatives.


Featured Keynote Speaker

Featured Session Presenter

We also want to bring to your attention our upcoming annual statewide virtual forum symposium on May 3, 2024! During this special event, we encourage PK-12 teachers to join the conference with students live during the school day, where session presenters like Melissa Cristina Márquez will share about her journey into marine biology, read her incredible new children's book, and interact directly with students! Join us for more incredible presenters who will be engaging directly with students of all ages between 9am-5pm PST in fun and inspiring ways!

Additionally, we welcome proposals from interested individuals, agencies, or organizations for workshops, sessions, virtual posters, creative communication approaches, or virtual booth showcases. If you're interested in participating in this event, please visit our webpage for more details or to submit your proposal!

This event is FREE for all PK-16 students, educators, administrators, researchers, university faculty/staff, and community partners! Registration is now open and spaces are limited so share about this incredible event today!


Our Commitment to Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

As we step into the new year, we would like to share our JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) commitment here with all our partners and supporters. This statement was crafted in collaboration with our DEI consultant, Lily Zheng , and incredible ECCLPs leaders . Our next phase involves developing concrete measures for each identified area of focus, to hold ourselves accountable and to share our progress over time.


Collaborative Activities and Events

Featured Partnership: The Slingshot Challenge

Featured Webinar: CA High School Students Survey Results

The ECCLPs team continues to support our new collaboration with CSU Bakersfield and National Geographic in their Slingshot Challenge. California students aged 13-18 are encouraged to share their innovative concepts with Nat Geo, offering groundbreaking ideas that could make a significant impact on our planet's future! Submit a brief 1-minute video detailing an idea to win up to $10,000!

For educators interested in support for their students, we encourage you to reach out to Dr. Brittney Beck ( ), Associate Professor at CSU Bakersfield and National Geographic Explorer, to initiate this inspiring journey with your students today!

Learn More About The Challenge

Join ECCLPs for an insightful webinar hosted by Dr. Kelley Lê , Executive Director, and Strategic Partner and Research Consultant, Sarah Fuller ! If you work with students or provide professional learning to educators on climate change, attend this session to gain insights on students' perspectives on the role of schooling and taking action. We will share highlights on high school students' attitudes, beliefs, and motivating factors that lead them to take meaningful action on climate change. Save the date for January 24, 2024 , from 3:30PM to 4:00PM PST .

Don't miss this brief and highly informative free webinar with access to the summary report!

Register Here to Join the Event!

Building Bridges: Strengthening Collaboration in Teacher Preparation Programs Across California

We would like to send a huge thank you to the deans and directors across teacher education programs that have begun to collaborate with ECCLPs to advance climate and environmental literacy to prepare future teachers. Moving into 2024, we anticipate fostering a stronger network of partners and resource sharing among faculty and staff who work with PK-12 pre-service teachers to advance these efforts within and across the regions.

Advancing and accelerating climate and environmental literacy, justice, and action will take all of us and we need your help and support!

If you're a faculty or staff member working directly with PK-12 pre-service teacher candidates across any subject area, let us know what resources and supports you feel would be directly helpful through this 10-minute anonymous survey!

Take and/or Share the Survey Here!

ECCLPs Micro-Learning Series #2: Tips for Climate Leaders to Engage and Captivate Online Audiences!

Last month, ECCLPs launched a new micro-learning series in collaboration with Lorraine Lee , a distinguished virtual keynote speaker and ex perienced instructor at LinkedIn Learning and Stanford Continuing Studies . Together, we've crafted a virtual communication toolkit for partners.

This communication toolkit aims to empower climate change leaders by refining their skills in effective online communication in small doses. Check out the second video clip below and stay tuned for more in the upcoming newsletter.

Check Out the Micro-Learning Series Here 

Celebrating Our Committee and Workgroup Members

Featured members include our new research committee lead Estefania Pihen Gonzalez, Carol Baker, Jerry Knaack and Steve LaDochy. Learn more about the individuals leading and contributing to the organization and success of ECCLPs here .

At ECCLPs, we make it a priority to acknowledge and showcase the incredible individuals who lead alongside us, championing PK-12 climate and environmental literacy, justice, and action.

Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to the committee and workgroup members who are actively guiding our statewide initiatives! Stay connected with us by following our social media channels for the latest updates and insights to learn more about each of these leaders and their organizations.

Get Social With Us!

Stay Informed and Get Involved:

Key Resources and Info for Strategic Climate Action

Image Credit: Sacred Earth Solar

  • Explore ClimateLitNow, founded by our youth Steering Committee Member Sky Keyoung , where she introduces a new podcast and curriculum series crafted by youth!

  • Discover Sacred Earth Solar 's Just Transition Guide on Indigenous-led Pathways for Equitable Climate Solutions. This valuable resource offers success stories, real examples, and technical information to guide communities through a just transition.

  • If you're a PK-12 teacher, consider participating in the Lawrence Hall of Science Teacher Survey ! Share your insights on how environmental literacy is taught in your school.


Invest in Climate Literacy, Justice, and Action!

A gift to this UC–CSU initiative is an investment in the partnerships and strategies that will educate and activate all of California’s high school graduates to be literate in climate and environmental justice issues and solutions. Both UC Irvine School of Education and CSU Dominguez Hills campuses serve as initial hubs for the ECCLPs initiative to address regional needs. 

Contact: Duane Rohrbacher Executive Director of Development , UC Irvine |  | ( 949) 824-4774

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February Newsletter: Connect with ECCLPs: Uniting Communities for Climate & Enviro Lit!


Happy Holidays and thank you for your incredible leadership and contributions to ECCLPs! (Copy)