
Dr. Jane Page

Jane Page, an emeritus faculty member at UC Irvine's Claire Trevor School of the Arts, heads the directing program in the drama department. Growing up in Kansas, she discovered her passion for directing and leadership in creative projects, inspired by her second-grade teacher who infused every class with theatrical elements. Jane recently worked on a play at the Orange County School of the Arts, addressing the emotional topic of students returning to class after a school shooting, sparking essential conversations on gun violence. Her creative process resembles that of scientists, involving constant idea revision. She aims to provide a platform for people's voices to be heard through plays and encourages PK-12 teachers to incorporate such events into their classes to enhance engagement and success. Jane stresses the critical role of education in climate action, emphasizing the younger generation's growing awareness and engagement in addressing climate issues. She urges everyone to adopt a climate-friendly lifestyle to address the pressing environmental challenges and remains hopeful for the future, as each generation actively contributes to the conversation and feels the urgency of climate change. She offers support to PK-12 teachers and looks forward to witnessing the future with their students.